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Niche Market Research - Birding
Saskatchewan is the summer home for one quarter of the world’s population of American White Pelicans and is home to, or on the migratory path of, 15 endangered bird species. Chaplin Lake is one of only three in Canada with the designation of hemispheric importance to shorebirds, and the only site that is located inland. The mixed wood boreal forest in northern Saskatchewan supports some of the highest bird species diversity in North America.
Saskatchewan’s main strength in birding is the unique mix of woodlands, wetlands and grasslands birds in proximity, as well as large numbers of birds during migration. This means that in one day, a birder can see a full mix that is unique to Saskatchewan.
Birding Personas
For birders, it’s fundamentally all about the birds. Two main birder personas emerge with shared core values and motivations: life-long learners who love nature, are conservation minded and see birding as a social activity rooted in community. While they share common traits, their motivations, journey when travelling, and touchpoints can be different and require different approaches when crafting communication and building infrastructure to meet their needs.
Persona #1: Naturalist Natalie
Persona #2: Lister Larry
Market Summary
This market summary is intended to guide the establishment of birding tourism in Saskatchewan by informing target audiences, marketing communications, and infrastructure development.