Tips for Creating Compelling Content to Entice Visitors to Your Tourism Business
Wednesday, January 18 2023
Tourism Saskatchewan employs a digital-first, consumer-focused, influence-driven approach to content marketing. This involves creating meaningful content (stories, videos, blogs, photo essays, podcasts) that resonate with consumers and influence travel decisions.
Here are some practical tips for storytelling that entices potential visitors and boosts business:
Content marketing is creating something valuable for a specific audience that builds trust and reputation for your brand. The concept is not new. Big companies have been at it for decades. John Deere, for example, has been creating valuable content for prospective customers by publishing a farm magazine – The Furrow – since 1985.
Content marketing is also where the soap in soap operas originates. Manufacturers, like Proctor and Gamble, produced daytime television shows (e.g. As the World Turns) to create something of value for target audiences. Social media has made content marketing increasingly effective and a valuable tool for business.
Producing content is simpler than ever. The smartphone has evolved into a Swiss army knife of content production, enabling people to write blogs, take photos and edit videos with one device. The power to start creating is literally in your own hands.
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Honest and genuine storytelling is key. Content marketing is often an opportunity to showcase a company’s personal side. Consider how your material may evoke emotional responses or create meaningful connections to a product or service. This can be as simple as an informative, sincere blog post that provides clients with helpful information and earns their appreciation. Social posts that feature staff can create a sense of familiarity and connection. Telling the story of an employee’s passion for their work can be a great way to build trust and showcase expertise.
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Consider the fundamentals of storytelling – answer Who? What? Where? When? and How? To further develop your story, build in a call to action and address the urgency of the message – answer Why now? Find the heart of your story by determining why should people care.
Consider content shelf life in your marketing strategy. Content that is timely, engaging and keeps people consistently connected to your business works harmoniously with timeless, compelling pieces that hold value for years.
Creating content can feel like a daunting task. Knowing where to start if often the biggest hurdle. Up-to-date market research is essential to identify potential visitors to Saskatchewan, where they live and what motivates them to travel. With this information in hand, it is easier to determine the most effective and valuable type of content to create. You can also gauge the best time to distribute it.
Know your business’ brand, values and mission statement. These are all key indicators that can inform the stories you tell and how you tell them.
Consider the marketing landscape. How does your content strategy align with the efforts of local, regional or provincial partners? What makes your business and content unique and distinct from the competition?
Be bold and try different approaches when creating content. Pay close attention to the stories that receive high engagement, and repeat those winning formulas.