Seven out of 10 young people will get their first work experience in a tourism job. Your hiring decisions will have a huge influence on how well they perform on the job and whether they will consider tourism as a career.
Recruiting is a two-way street. You are not just filling a job vacancy, you are also providing a showcase for your business and for the tourism industry. Here are some tips to consider when recruiting new employees.
Thursday, February 11 2021
- Start with a Solid Orientation
- Empower Your Staff
- Offer Job Shadowing
- Emphasize Great First Impressions and Customer Experiences
- Tap Individual Strengths
Your organization’s orientation process should provide the tools to make all of your employees feel confident in their roles. This applies to any new hire, but it is especially important for recruits with limited work experience. Orientation should include showing new employees where their role fits in the organization and how their work affects the business. It is also important to brief them on practical aspects of work such as where to park and where to store personal effects like coats, purses and cellphones.
Your employees are the face of your organization. Young workers may need coaching about the value of providing exceptional customer service. Make sure they know that you are giving your permission for them to represent your organization. That is a powerful incentive to do well.
Set up a structured program of coaching and mentoring that lets your most experienced workers share their expertise and knowledge with new employees through on-the-job training.
Ensure new employees understand the importance of their role in delivering outstanding customer service. A good way to do this is by including customer service training in your employee orientation process. Get staff to practice service recovery techniques before they need them on the job.
Every new employee, even an inexperienced one, comes with an unexpected bonus – a special talent that may not be part of the official job description but can help your business succeed in new ways. Take a genuine interest in your employees and encourage them to share their talents. Younger workers, for example, can help you benefit from the newest technologies to gain online engagement. These strengths really shine brightest when combined with effective orientation and training.